Why Professional Framing Is As Important As The Picture


Artwork pieces like paintings and photographs have sentimental value, necessitating proper presentation and storage. Photos or paintings can draw their value by capturing a valuable moment or serving as a souvenir or memento. Thus, owners have a vested interest in protecting and preserving the pieces. For instance, custom picture framing adds to an artwork's aesthetic value and prevents damage from direct sunlight and other environmental factors. Many paintings and pictures are made from photosensitive materials, which wear out over time without proper care. As such, owners should consider custom picture framing for the following reasons:

Enhancing the Picture's Aesthetic Value

Custom picture framing services enhance the aesthetic appearance of a painting or photograph significantly. The experts advise clients on the correct custom frames to select that complement the painting or picture. While protecting a piece of art from losing its value is important, preserving its aesthetic value is just as essential. Custom picture framing allows individuals to select their preferred frames that beautify a piece of art further. Moreover, custom framing a picture or painting adds to the beauty of a room's interior design. Rather than have plain walls, framing a picture or painting allows individuals to hang beautiful photos and paintings. Thus, art owners should seek custom picture framing services for their associated aesthetic benefits.

Preserving the Picture Against Deterioration

Having a valuable painting or picture that captures a memorable moment is only part of the equation. Owners must find ways to preserve and protect the artwork from value depreciation. Custom picture framing preserves and protects pictures and paintings in numerous ways. First, encasing and framing a painting breaks contact with people, minimizing accidents. Once the picture is framed, people can admire it with limited physical contact, mitigating wear and tear. Moreover, paintings and pictures are usually made from photosensitive material that deteriorates over time, diminishing its value. It should not be the case as some pictures are purchased as investments to be sold at a profit in the future. Thus, custom picture framing services help individuals preserve their investments. 

Guaranteeing Satisfactory Framing Services

Proper framing requires a competent framer with expertise in various glass types, molding designs, and mat boards. DIY framings are likely to damage the picture or painting due to insufficient knowledge on framing. Custom picture framing is a science that goes beyond selecting any material and using it to encase a painting. Competent framers consider a good fitting frame that is acid-free and unlikely to contribute to the picture or painting's wear and tear. Thus, consider consulting a custom picture framing service for professional advice and services.


16 August 2021

A Memorable Wedding Gift

In a few short days, my beautiful sister will be marrying her best friend. A few weeks ago, I attended one of her many wedding showers. At first, I didn’t know what to purchase her for this special occasion. However, while shopping one night, I saw the perfect gift, a unique piece of wall art shaped like a cow. My sister is an agricultural teacher who raises beef cattle in her spare time. Because she loves her cows so much, I knew this piece of rustic wall art would make her smile. As I imagined, she loved her gift. On this blog, you will discover where to buy unique types of wall art.