Wildlife Paintings Look Great Inside A Rented Mountain Cabin


Mountain cabins become top vacation destinations for people looking to get away from the stress of the big city. The serene quality of the natural world provides a perfect reprieve from traffic, congestion, and excessive noise. Vacationers, however, do like more than a few creature comforts when vacationing in the woods. The outside of a cabin might look older in style, but the inside could appear quite modern. There's sometimes a drawback to a modern look: it detracts from the natural world's ambiance. Interior decor could address this concern. Procuring custom-made portraits featuring wildlife can be a nice touch to remind vacationers of nature outside the door.

Eye-Catching at the Entry

The first thing people see can make an impression. The rustic exterior look of an old cabin puts someone in a particular mindset. Opening the door to reveal a thoroughly modern interior might undermine the ambiance. If there were a brilliant portrait positioned right in people's view as they entered, they might maintain a feeling of wonder. The portrait could include a sweeping landscape with images of local wildlife. Imagine a cliff overlooking a valley filled with deer, foxes, and elk. Even when the door is closed and the day is done, such a portrait can remind vacationers of the location's natural brilliance.

Placing Smaller Portraits in the Cabin

Who says the cabin can only house one vast and sweeping portrait? Placing a few smaller wildlife portraits inside the cabin further adds style and impact. Think of a small painting of a squirrel eating nuts inside the kitchen. The portrait adds a nice touch to a commonly visited room filled with modern appliances. Artwork featuring a squirrel eating in a tree might add a certain something.

Working in the Appropriate Wildlife

The artwork placed inside the cabin should be appropriate for the location. That is, paintings benefit from depicting wildlife found in the local area. If the region's streams are home to salmon, artwork depicting rivers with salmon makes sense. Images of lakes with lake trout in an area with no lakes would be oddly out of place.

Go with Custom Portraits

The best-looking paintings would likely be custom ones. Based on the input of the cabin community's management, the portraits could incorporate things unique to the region. The inclusion of local wildlife and familiar landscapes may add to the painting's impact. 

Learn more about wildlife paintings by contacting businesses like Sami's Art Shop.


17 March 2020

A Memorable Wedding Gift

In a few short days, my beautiful sister will be marrying her best friend. A few weeks ago, I attended one of her many wedding showers. At first, I didn’t know what to purchase her for this special occasion. However, while shopping one night, I saw the perfect gift, a unique piece of wall art shaped like a cow. My sister is an agricultural teacher who raises beef cattle in her spare time. Because she loves her cows so much, I knew this piece of rustic wall art would make her smile. As I imagined, she loved her gift. On this blog, you will discover where to buy unique types of wall art.